Monday 17 February 2014


An edition of Mary Shelley´s novel

On a wet, inclement evening of the rainy summer of 1816 one of the most popular literary myths of all time was about to be born. We refer to Frankenstein´s Monster. Four poets were spending that summer in a house in the region of Geneva, Switzerland. They were Lord Byron (the best-known of Romantic poets), John W. Polidori, Percy B. Shelley and his wife, Mary W. Shelley.

Portrait of Mary Shelley, the creator of a myth.

Confined to the house by  bleak weather, they decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After several weeks thinking about what her possible storyline could be, Mary Shelley had a dream about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. This was the starting point for probably the first science-fiction novel of all time and no doubt one of the best horror novels ever.

Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant in the 1931 film
 giving birth to the monster
Published in 1818, the complete title is Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. This was the name in Greek Mythology of the Titan who created mankind and finally defied Zeus while trying to improve men´s existence. He would be punished eternally due to this fact and Mary Shelley made her hero, Doctor Victor Frankenstein a modern Prometheus, whose life resulted in tragedy after looking desperately for scientific knowledge and the power to create life.

One of the most curious things is that since the novel was published, the name of the "creator", Frankenstein, started to be used by mistake to name "the creation". This usage, though erroneous, has come to be well-established and it is unanimously accepted nowadays. In the novel, the monster is identified with words such as "creature", "fiend", "wretch", "vile insect", "daemon", "being" and "it".

Boris Karloff is perhaps the most popular image of the monster

Mary Shelley´s novel has influenced popular culture for at least 100 years. It has inspired numerous films, television programmes, video games and derivative works. The character of the monster has become one of the most recognised icons in horror fiction.

Robert De Niro was the monster in Brannagh´s fim in 1994.

We are paying special attention to two of the most popular portrayals in films of the monster, that of Boris Karloff in three films of the thirties(starting with Frankenstein, 1931) and the 1994 movie Mary Shelley´s Frankenstein with Robert De Niro as the monster. They have been probably the most influential portraits of the monster to create the current iconic form he has in popular imagery.

The Frankenstein monster as a symbol for cloning: Cartoon
on stem cell research by Dick Wright (2001)

One clip and the trailer of Frankenstein (1931),
 directed by James Whale and starring Boris Karloff

Kenneth Branagh directed
Mary Shelley´s Frankenstein in 1994

Mel Brook´s Young Frankenstein was a parody
 of the films about the Monster: "Abby Normal...?"

Saturday 8 February 2014

The Super Bowl... Commercials!

The most followed sport in the United States is American football. In the US, it is simply known at football. Every year, on the first Sunday of February, the Super Bowl is played. As such, it is called Super Bowl Sunday. It is frequently the most watched broadcast in the entire United States. It's not officially a holiday, but it is nationally considered a time to eat, drink, and enjoy America's favorite sport. In addition to the game, the half-time show, and all the hot dogs, burgers, nachos, chicken wings, and soda, there are the commercials. Although many people enjoy watching the big game, some people rather just watch the Super Bowl commercials. Sometimes they are funny, interesting, or inspiring; however, at times they are controversial, boring, or irritating. That being said, they are overall quite entertaining!

Each commercial costs a lot! For about thirty seconds of airtime, it can cost up to four million dollars! For several large companies, it has become a tradition to have a Super Bowl commercial. Coca Cola, E*Trade, Doritos, Hyundai, Budweiser, and are known for this. Below are several examples of Super Bowl commercials from Super Bowl XLVIII.

America the Beautiful (2014)

The following commercial is considered controversial. Try to determine why it may be considered controversial.

How many languages did you hear? What images did you see?

A nickname for the United States the Melting Pot. This phrase describes how America is a mixture of many cultures and races. The US accepts everyone. You don’t have to be born in the US to be considered an American. However, there are people that believe otherwise. They believe that an American is Caucasian, speaks English, and is Christian. Do you think that this is just?

Volkswagen (2014)

Most often than not, the commercials are simply meant to entertain and make you laugh.

Doberhuahua (2014)

AXE PEACE (2014)

Even deodorants make an appearance.

Toyota Highlander & Muppets (2014)

Childhood friends show up as well!

Heinz Ketchup (2014)

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Squarespace (2014)

Web hosting, see what the Internet has become, and what you can do to change it.

As you can tell, some of these don't quite make much sense given the context. They are simply to entertain and draw attention to their products or services. What do you think about these types of commercials? Are they any different than the ones you see every day? What products are usually advertised in Spain? How are they advertised?