Saturday 13 April 2013


People run after a cheese down a steeped hill

We have already said that British people love traditions, no matter how absurd they may seem to be. We are presenting you now one of the most astonishing races you can see anywhere in the world.

The Cooper´s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake takes place every year on the last Monday of May, at Cooper´s Hill, near Gloucester in the Cotswolds region of England.

Competitors from all over the world have to race down the stepped hill after a piece of Double Gloucester Cheese. The first person over the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. Quite obviously enough, nobody can ever catch the cheese, since it can reach speeds up to 112 km/h.

The number of injuries is elevated


Due to the steepness and uneven surface of the hill from sprained ankles to broken bones and concussion (traumatic brain injury). In spite of all these accidents, the number of participants keeps on growing every year.

The winner gets a Gloucester cheese

Do you feel like running after a piece of cheese down an English hill? If so, have a look at the videos we show here. Maybe you will want to visit Cooper´s Hill when the next rolling race arrives.


  1. Ana Álvarez 1 BACH20 April 2013 at 13:57

    The video is very funny.

  2. Maite Fdez. Gómez2 May 2013 at 21:43

    Searching on the Internet I came across some pictures of the village of Piedrasecha, in León.
    Have you ever heard that this small village has a rolling race in August? I mean, they have copied The Cooper´s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake!!!The first race was held in 2007!!! Incredible!

    1. That´s really amazing! So, if we can´t go to see the original race in Gloucester, at least we have the possibility to go to Piedrasecha.It´s not too far from León.

      That has been a very interesting contribution, Maite!

  3. Tamara Alvites 4ºB31 May 2013 at 10:06

    These people are crazy! Why these people hate cheese? I love cheese...what a waste. I'm not going to do this in my life but maybe is fun to see people do it haha.

  4. Rocio Rivera Steimel 3ºB2 June 2013 at 19:28

    I´ve heard some rumors that this weird sport has been banned in the UK. Is that true?
