Monday 23 February 2015


It is time about time we talked about grammar!
As a faithfull reader of our Blog, you have probably noticed that we deal with grammar from time to time. In this post, we will give a brief revision to our particular painter's palette.

ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: Something that happens very rarely.
His sister lives in another country. They see each other once in a blue moon.

A BLUE JOKE is an obscene joke.
I cannot believe he told a blue joke to his little daughter!!

TICKLED PINK means the same as 'delighted', v'ery pleased', ,..
Mum was tickled pink when she saw my school marks.

IN THE PINK OF HEALTH: in an excellent physical condition.
After losing a lot of weight, he was in the pink of health.

A WHITE LIE when you tell something that is false in order to protect someone or avoid hurting feelings.
I told him a white lie instead of telling him the bad news.

AS WHITE AS A SHEET can be used when someone turns pale from a shock. 
She became as white as a sheet when she saw the criminal.

A BLACK SHEEP The black sheep of the familiy behaves differently, badly,... he does not follow the rules.
My uncle was the black sheep of the family: he did not work, he was getting into trouble all the time,...

CATCH SOMEBODY RED-HANDED can be used when discovering somebody committing a crime. 
They arrested the hacker. They caught him red-handed copying files and downloading music.

RED IN THE FACE to become embarrassed.
Susan was red in the face when she saw her father dancing.

A GREY AREA is a problem or a situation that is not clearly defined with no clear rules.
There is not a law for this type of immigration. It is a bit of a grey area. 

Well, these are just a few. Maybe, we could go on adding idioms to the list next time. Thanks M. Gustave for the pictures!!


  1. I don't known about a idiom of colour , I have a question from the photo o the Red In The Face , this film is Hotel Budapest ?
    This is a good job (the post)

  2. I did not know there were a lot of expressions with colours. I think it is very interesting.

  3. Rubén de la Mata 3ºB25 March 2015 at 15:34

    I know another, feel blue, if you feel blue, you are feeling unwell, mainly associated with depression or unhappiness.
